12 October, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday (#21)

Feature & Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and AlisonCanRead. It's set up so bloggers to discover new blogs and gain new followers. Join in! Every week two different blogs are featured. This week's featured blogs are Reese's Reviews and Book Fever. Here's this week's question:

Q: What book do you think would make a great Halloween movie? Please explain in graphic detail of goriness…

I really don't read too many horror books. Maybe I should read more? There are only two books that stand out from my shelf. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake and The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa. One is a seriously creepy book with plenty of gorey ghosts and mystery. The other is a book with evil vampires and a nasty case of a zombie vampire disease.

If you are a new follower, please leave a comment so that I may follow you back!


  1. I haven't read either of those books. I'm not a big horror fan. Movies, books or holiday.

    My F&F - http://bookbloggermom.blogspot.com/2012/10/feature-and-follow-10.html

    1. I love scary movies, but I can't get into them as books. :)

  2. Havent read Anna yet!

    Old follower. My FF

    1. Well you should! I've read it but haven't put up a review. Whoops.

  3. My pick is Anna too.
    New follower :)

    Here's our ff- http://thereaddicts.blogspot.in/2012/10/feature-follow-friday-8.html
    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. It's a really popular book! Like mainstream YA horror romance. Ha.

      Thanks for following!

  4. I really want to read Anna dressed in blood. It just sounds super creepy and I adore the cover.

    Old follower
    J'adore Happy Endings

  5. I haven't read either of those books even though they are both on my list. Maybe by next Halloween. :-)
    New Follower
    Here's my FF

  6. Anna is definitely THE pick of the week. I think I'll try to FINALLY read it close to Halloween ;-) I've never heard of The Immortal Rule but it sounds cool I'll have to check it out.

    Not much of a scary book reader either, but here's my FFF

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

    1. I don't do scary books. They seem kind of lame. I'm all about scary movies and multiple senses kind of scary, though!

  7. Haha Anna strikes again! Great pick on The Immortal Rules too! ^.^ New follower (Frodosco - GFC). Here is my FF. :)


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