03 October, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: The Mad Scientist's Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke

The Mad Scientist's Daughter
by Cassandra Rose Clarke

To be published January 29, 2013
By Angry Robot 

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The Mad Scientist’s Daughter is the heartbreaking story of the journey from childhood to adulthood, with an intriguing science fictional twist.
There’s never been anyone - or anything - quite like Finn.
He looks, and acts human, though he has no desire to be. He was programmed to assist his owners, and performs his duties to perfection. A billion-dollar construct, his primary task is to tutor Cat.
When the government grants rights to the ever-increasing robot population, however, Finn struggles to find his place in the world.

In honor of Cassandra Rose Clarke's debut novel release this week, I'm here to get her next book on your wishlist. I'm so excited by the prospect of a heartfelt robot book! I was impressed with her writing and I know I want to read more.

What are you waiting on?


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