19 October, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday (#22)

Feature & Follow is a weekly blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and AlisonCanRead. It's set up so bloggers to discover new blogs and gain new followers. Join in! Every week two different blogs are featured. This week's featured blogs are Kinx's Book Nook and Shelf Addiction. Here's this week's question:

Q: When you step out of your USUAL genre, what do you like to read? Best books in that genre?

When it comes to my usual genre, I definitely read YA Fantasy, Science Fiction, and dystopian books the most. I think my blog would agree with that.

Should I step out of my normal boundaries (beyond just stepping into the adult side), I tend to pick up historical fiction. Not romance novels with some kilts and old-timey language. Seriously epic historical fiction. My favorite is probably Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It is total 12th century drama with about 20 principal characters spanning decades and crammed into about 1,000 pages. It's not for the faint of heart! I still have yet to read his companion book, World Without End, mostly because I don't have the attention to devote to it. I'd have to actually do it justice!

If you are a new follower, please comment so that I may follow you back!


  1. My usual genre is fantasy and historical fiction but lately I've been loving science fiction and dystopia. Will definitely have to check out that mammoth historical fiction book! :)

    Old follower via GFC!
    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  2. I haven't really read much of historical fiction but I plan too!
    New follower via Networked blogs. :)
    --Megan @ BooksiView

  3. I occasionally enjoy historic (I really like YA with history thrown in) but it's often just so long-winded.

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  4. I have the same usual genres!

    Old follower.

    Christina@ Ensconced in YA
    My FF

  5. Great to see another Ken Follett reader. I suggest reading his Eye of the Needle & Key to Rebecca : both excellent books!

    ps. Thank you so much for putting in another link to follow via GFC! I don't know why it's not working otherwise!
    But anyway, New follower via GFC!
    My post - F&F

  6. Serious historical fiction is not something I think I have the brainpower for, but go you! lol

    I'm a new follower! Here's my blog: http://www.onstarshipsanddragonwings.com/2012/10/21/feature-follow-friday-1/


I love receiving comments! I really do read every single one and I strive to respond to each comment that needs a response (and many more!).
