09 October, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: REWIND: Sequels I'm Dying to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week, we are holding down the rewind button! We got to pick a topic we either missed out on or wanted a second go at. I chose a topic I didn't get to do the first time around. 

I've picked out a selection of my top ten sequels I can't wait to read! None of these have been released yet and some don't even have confirmed titles! So, here they are:

1. The Shadow Fold (Grisha Trilogy #2) by Leigh Bardugo
I haven't reviewed this yet on my blog, but I am so desperate for more!

2. Shades of Earth (Across the Universe #3) by Beth Revis
The end was a pretty steep cliffhanger. I'm sort of bummed about the cover revamps, but once I get my hands on it I'll feel better.

3. City of Heavenly Fire (Mortal Instruments #6) by Cassandra Clare
This series has been a fantasitic staple on my shelf. I can't wait to read the final one. Maybe she'll announce another three?

4. Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky #2) by Veronica Rossi
I need to know what happens with Aria and Perry! What do you think of the UK cover?

5. The Eternity Cure (The Blood of Eden #2) by Julie Kagawa
LOVED this gritty vampire book more than I expected and I gotta get more of it!

6. Requiem (Delirium #3) by Lauren Oliver
We all know how much we were left hanging at the end of Pandemonium! The UK cover isn't out yet, so feast your eyes on the US version! 

7. Throne of Glass #2 by Sarah J Maas
Guys. This book = love. I haven't reviewed it yet on this blog, but with no title and no sign of a cover, I'm ready to wait in line for it!

8. Boundless (Unearthly #3) by Cynthia Hand
What a fantastic trilogy. The last book was heartbreaking and I'll be sad to read the next one. I'm eager to see what the UK cover looks like, but here's the US version.

9. Divergent #3 by Veronica Roth
Not a whiff of the title, but I can't wait to pre-order this baby because of that ending.

10. Reached (Matched #3) by Ally Condie
I wasn't totally thrilled with Crossed, but something makes me think I've been promised one heck of a conclusion to this series. Fingers crossed!

Link me to your TOP TEN! I can't wait to see what topic you chose!


  1. I'm waiting on a lot of these too! I love the UK cover of Through the Ever Night, I can't wait until I get my hands on it. I agree with what you said about Reached, I just read Crossed and wasn't a huge fan, but I do think Reached will make up for it. Great list!

    My TTT

  2. I'm SO with you on numbers 9 & 10 and number 3 too ;-) Also I have # 4, 6, 7 & 8 on my reading list! Great list, thanks for sharing.

    Old follower, but here's my TTT post

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  3. With you on 7 and 9! clearly I need to read the others :)

  4. Yes! Finally a person who loves series.

  5. I've only read Divergent (and Insurgent) and Throne of Glass - so I'm waiting for their sequels. I'm yet to read the others you've listed though I have a few of them here to read. =)

    My Top Ten

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  6. I love this list! I agree with so many of these! Brilliant!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  7. I agree with every book on this list, except for Reached. Personally, can't stand that series.

    Samantha @ Reading- And Coffee

  8. Ooh excellent list! Requiem & Divergent 3 are ones I can't wait to come out too.

    Tanya Patrice

  9. Through The Ever Night and Requiem are titles that I am definitely looking forward to!

    - Ellie @ The Selkie Reads Stories

  10. Shadow Fold AND ToG2! Yes!

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-tuesday-rewind-top-ten-bookish.html


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